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A New Reality In Space Settlement

Master of Architecture Thesis at UC Berkeley, 2020-2021.

It's 2221, the earth is uninhabitable. Crop blights and dust storms threaten humanity's survival. Because of this threat, the world also regresses into a post-truth society. People no longer trust others or care about others' feelings. Human lives are extremely disconnected.

Under this unfortunate condition, people seek new alternatives to save human beings, one of which is to explore human habitat in space. Since people no longer trust each other's recent research, they decide to design their new habitat based on the existing assumptions in the 1975 space settlement design guide from NASA, which proposed a large ring-shaped tube with technical details and calculations. People adopt the basic assumptions from the design guide like the shape, atmosphere, food, and water.


The spaceship designed in this thesis is the habitat of a SPACETOPIA.



plan -long0506final.jpg

"Master Plan"


"Geographic coordinate system"


"Expanded surfaces of a section"

This is the final conclusion of a narrative which will be probably disbelieved in future generations even by people who will become astonished at nothing. We the inhabitants of earth are, however, armed at all points against human incredulity and our endless desire for cities on earth. These earthen cities are both visible and tangible as recessive experiences and memories for human life, where space and design continue to be desired intrinsic to our human nature. And so continues our needs to redesign and iterate.

Special thanks to my two amazing advisors, Mark Anderson & Maria Paz Gutierrez! And to all my colleagues!

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